Monday, October 26, 2009


this is terrible news!  i'm not sure if i'm even interested without zacquisha or k-ort.  seriously.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009


so, *hanson* is more than just a one hit wonder.


no really, they have other albums.  i have them.  they're pretty good!

also, hanson is doing *good*  YAY!

cannot wait.

here's a new clip from *new moon*

it's gonna be awesome.  in a "i don't really want to watch, but i sort of can't tear my eyes away from the tragedy; why are those girls screaming, he's just a seventeen year old boy...oh, now i get it" sort of way.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


so... crowd favorite matthew morrison on GLEE has a rich history i think you all might find interesting...

he used to be in a *band*  seriously, click through to see what band, you will NOT be disappointed.  (i couldn't find a picture of him in said band, but it's on imdb so it must be true.)  and he got his *big break* on broadway in none other than HAIRSPRAY.  PLAYING OUR FAVORITE CROONER!!

ps, i have NO IDEA what this picture is or is trying to be!

in case you missed it

if you follow gofugyourself you prolly saw this, but if not -


now i don't feel so bad...

it seems as though finn hudson has been *chosen* to model clothes for a *designer.*  not bad.  and i don't feel bad looking b/c apparently he's twenty seven years old.  and he's canadian, and we all know how i feel about canadians.  great, i feel great about canadians.  

GLEE just keeps getting better.  

nevermind the part that they have a 27 year old playing a 16 year old.  in hollywood that's the same as me saying i'm 28 and actually being 28.  exactly the same.  

Thursday, October 15, 2009

common threads

tonight's show started off almost EXACTLY like an x-files episode *folie a deux* from few years back set in oakbrook, il. but in typical *fringe* style they wrapped it up rather neatly with a science and technology bow instead of pulling a mulder and explaining it by *not being able to explain it.*

but at least it's got pacey.


yeah, it's a dramusedy. that's a drama, a musical and a comedy all in one place for your viewing pleasure.

rumor has it our favorite *dramusedy* is going on TOUR this summer. one more reason i can't wait for this year to end.


also, i feel as though my *rihanna's* hairdo might be the same one zacaroni and cheese is rockin.... hopefully this is a sign of future social engagements.

by popular request...

a *few* of my faithful readers have been asking for a picture of me with rihanna's hair. look no further. witness HISTORY.

chris gaines.

so apparently garth brooks is back from *retirement*

i know one person who will not be sleeping tonight. my friend *fraggle* had an unfortunate dream involving a rodeo, garth brooks, and a wedding dress. i don't think she will take kindly to this information.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009



right. rihanna got a new *hairdo* and it has the people all up in a tizzy. i don't know what the big deal is...i look totally legit in said *hairdo*. incidentally i also look good as jennifer aniston, vanessa hudgens or gweneth paltrow. thank you style watch.

do your own makeover. you could even choose drew barrymore's flock of seagulls tribute if you wanted. why you would want to, i'm not sure. but the point is, you COULD.


what? a sitcom about high schoolers singing and dancing? PERFECT.

the genius of this show is hidden between the story lines. and that genius sounds good. sure, the plot is *predictable*. i know, how many more shows about *high-schoolers* can there be? am i really supposed to believe that *mr. schuster* (matthew morrison) is such a good teacher? right. are you sure he's not just eye candy?

but the musical numbers! oh the MUSICAL numbers! in PRIMETIME! and to ROCKIN' songs! amazing.

take a moment (okay an hour) to catch this gem from fox. they're really stepping up their game lately with awesome tv shows. be sure you start with the pilot. it's important for *character development* a.k.a. emotional attachment.


welcome to the newest blog on the block....

celebrity couch bags!

included: rants about pop culture.

that's about it.